As a neurosurgeon, I spend much of my time analyzing neck and back pain. Some pain comes on quickly in an accident, and other types of pain result from general wear and tear on your body.

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As a neurosurgeon, I spend much of my time analyzing neck and back pain. Some pain comes on quickly in an accident, and other types of pain result from general wear and tear on your body.
As a neurosurgeon, I spend much of my time analyzing neck and back pain. Some pain comes on quickly in an accident, and other types of pain result from general wear and tear on your body.
If you have chronic, or unrelenting back pain, there are two potential things that can help you find some relief. The first is to strengthen your back through improving your overall health.
The primary avenue to strengthen your back, ironically, also involves your stomach. If your core muscles are not strong, your back assumes workload that it would not normally perform. I encourage you to exercise your core muscles regularly through stretching and simple exercises like pelvic tilts, lower torso rotation and hamstring stretches.
Don’t put undue strain on your back. When lifting a heavy load, squat down to pick it up with your legs and knees, not your back. And be sure you don’t twist while you are carrying heavy things, as this puts unnecessary strain on your back.
If you are a new mother, these rules especially apply to you. Your spine loosens during pregnancy, so it is especially important to rebuild your core muscles and strengthen your spine through exercise and careful lifting of your child, stroller, carseat and other heavy items a new mother regularly lifts.
If you’ve tried these strategies and still have unrelenting pain, you should visit your doctor to discuss your options. If the pain runs down your leg like an electric shock, that’s a sign you should be evaluated by a surgeon. Weakness or tingling in the leg and persistent pain are also signs you may need surgery.
In some extreme situations, you may need to go directly to an emergency room. If you lose control of your bowel or bladder, or you suddenly experience severe excruciating pain after a fall, you should go to the hospital immediately.
There is no denying that a strong back will increase your overall body strength. Be kind to it this year and it will be kind to you!
For more information on Dr. Aury Nagy, visit or call 702-838-2219 to make an appointment.